6 Considerations When Choosing a Hawaii Car Shipping Service

Hawaii car shipping

Hawaii is every bit a US state like its other 49 counterparts. However, it is very peculiar, especially from a geographical viewpoint.

For example, it is the only US state that does not have a mainland connection to any other part of the US. Even Alaska does have a mainland connection through a part of Canada. Furthermore, Hawaii is around 2400 miles off the US mainland’s West Coast. You can check here for more on the geographical peculiarities of the Aloha State, as Hawaii is fondly called.

Having established this, Hawaii’s geographical peculiarities are why car shipping to or from it is quite different. For example, auto-transported vehicles will have to be ferried/flown at some point. As a result, there should be considerations when choosing service providers that offer such services. Read on as some of these considerations will be discussed here.

Guidelines for Selecting the Right Hawaii Car Shipping Service

For starters, this is not just about entrusting this task to a good company. More than that, it is about entrusting it to one that can offer the right service. This implies a service that would suit your needs and preferences. Having made that clear, here are some guidelines for choosing such a vehicle shipping company when shipping to or from Hawaii:

1. Experience & Reputation

Vehicle shipping to or from Hawaii is unlike the regular interstate shipping, just as mentioned earlier. As a result, you cannot afford to entrust a company that lacks experience offering such services with this responsibility. So, bank on experienced companies in this line of work.

Furthermore, the reputation of experienced options should be a deciding factor. For example, check reviews to hear what previous clients had to say about them. By the way, reviews should only be sought from credible platforms.

2. Shipping Methods

Usually, you would have to choose two kinds of shipping options. To be more precise, a choice has to be made based on land and water vehicle transportation.

In the case of land transport, the options are either open or enclosed shipment. Open shipment is usually the more booked option, especially considering its low-price feature when compared to its alternative. It means that the vehicle will be shipped in a revealing way. On the other hand, enclosed shipment is more discreet and usually offers premium perks, compared to its alternatives.

In the case of water transport, it is either RoRo (Roll-on/Roll-off) or container shipping. The RoRo option implies transportation through a ship with a designated area where the shipped vehicle will be secured.

The container shipping option is more like the enclosed shipment equivalent. It is more expensive, yet more discreet and laden with more perks. For more on the differences between RoRo and container vehicle shipment, you can watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrvazufJbj4.

3. Timeframe & Scheduling

Find out the delivery timeframe of companies that are being considered. However, know that this is usually on an estimated basis. The fact that water transportation is also involved is one of the reasons for this.

Regardless, use the services of a company that has a history of keeping to time. This is especially true if you need the vehicle delivered quickly.

It is also recommended that you do all you can to book well in advance. This is for both financial and scheduling reasons.

4. Delivery Options

The basic service practice is dropping off your vehicle at the shipping company’s terminal and picking it up at the other terminal. This is known as terminal-to-terminal (also known as port-to-port) service. However, some people need more customer-tailored service which informs other plans like:

  • Door-to-Door
  • Terminal-to-Door
  • Door-to-Terminal

There are even plans in which the shipping company holds on to the vehicle a few days after delivery. This is until the client is ready to pick up. However, be mindful that these additional services cost more than basic services.

5. Insurance

There is the utmost need to verify that you are entitled to liability coverage if the need arises. Furthermore, ensure that the insurance policy provides sufficient liability coverage if the need ever arises.

By the way, Hawaii is not the kind of place that you want to ship vehicles to or from without having this in place. Of course, this is down to the peculiarities involved in transporting vehicles to and from this location. It may even be a good idea to purchase additional insurance as some companies operate this way.

6. Pricing Structure

Making the right choice usually implies comparing several options that offer this service and that can be entrusted with this task. Furthermore, pricing structure is usually one of the most important yardsticks for comparing considered options.

So, start by getting the price quotes of the several options that you are considering. Then go on to compare what they all offer. This way, you can tell those options that are unreasonably expensive.

Additionally, go through offered contract agreements. This is especially to find out if any hidden charges apply.

In Closing

Experience & reputation, shipping methods, timeframe & scheduling, delivery options, insurance, and pricing structure are very important considerations for people who need auto shipping services. That includes if you plan to ship your vehicle to Hawaii or from this state. So, these factors should inform your choice of a Hawaii car shipping company given how important they are.

Also, prepare your vehicle well enough for this service. This calls for proper documentation of your vehicle’s condition, performing maintenance checks, and removing personal items.